Monday, June 13, 2016


Several years ago I blogged about my allergic reaction to wheat.  What about being out here on the farm around acres and acres of wheat?  I didn't know why, but our wheat didn't bother me.  I did know that my severe rash and congestion problems were "allergic" reactions, not a gluten intolerance.  Regardless, I have had to eat gluten free to avoid the wheat.

Because of a tip from a fellow traveler, I found that I could eat bread in Europe???  I asked a K-State wheat specialist and he had no idea why.  Said the wheat grown there was the same genetics as here.  Then I came across an article on the Internet about chemicals used to bleach wheat.  Guess what?  These chemicals can cause allergic reactions in some people.  Rashes and congestion. These bleaching chemicals have been outlawed in Europe.  Bingo!

I checked with my friend Kate who has a degree in Baking Science.  She told me that she always bakes with unbleached flower. Said that everything turns out better.  So, Benedryl at the ready, I started eating small amounts of bread made with unbleached flower.  No rash! What a difference this has made in my culinary world!

I know there are others of you out there who react to wheat.  Maybe, just maybe, it.s not the wheat but the bleaching process that is making you sick.  If you do decide to give unbleached a try, be careful.  Whole wheat bread usually also has bleached flour in it.  If a product says "enriched" wheat flour, be skeptical.  Bread products sold as organic cannot have bleaching chemical so are safe.
Here is a recipe for some easy, yet awesome biscuits that I made on Sunday. It's Alton Brown's recipe and I substituted an exact amount of  unbleached flour. Topped with sausage gravy made with unbleached flour, it's a treat that I have not been able to enjoy for many years!

Alton Brown's Southern Biscuits
Makes 1 dozen
2 Cups flour (I used unbleached)
4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
2 Tbls butter
2 Tbls shortening
1 Cup buttermilk, chilled

Add butter and shortening to dry ingredients.  Mix till crumbs form.  Add buttermilk.  Stir till dough consistency.  Turn out onto floured surface.  Shape into 1" thick round.  Cut biscuit rounds and bake at 450 degrees 15-20 min. till golden brown.  

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